Welcome on the website of Q-ONE project.  This project aims at the development of a world-first quantum reservoir processor able to achieve fast and precise sensing of photonic quantum states and measurement of their crucial properties such as quantum entanglement. Inspired by machine learning, our approach will perform quantum state recognition without the need of cumbersome experimental procedures. Moreover, its operation can be reversed to be used for generation of quantum states from a classical light source. In contrast to other platforms, it will operate onchip and at optical wavelengths, both with single photons and with squeezed states. Q-ONE is therefore directly relevant to the development of an alternative platform for quantum information, which is a specific objective included in the targeted outcome of the call. 

Q-ONE News

 Q. Xiong, & T. C. H. Liew

Q-ONE seminars

Quantum polariton neural networks

Q-ONE  consortium:

CNR Nanotec, University of Warsaw, Center for Theoretical Physics, Kastler Brossel Laboratory, Sorbonne University, Nanyang Technological University, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Institute of Physics PAS, Johannes Kepler University.
